Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is an evidence-based teaching which analyzes behaviors to identify the factors that influence it, and using this knowledge to develop strategies that improve behavior and increase positive outcomes.  

ABA has been shown to be effective in a wide range of contexts, including working with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), developmental disabilities, and other behavioral and learning challenges.  Because of it’s great success, it is considered a “Medical Necessity” and funded by most insurance companies.  

Personalized ABA - Empowering Individuals for Lasting Progress"

1. Individualized approach: ABA emphasizes an individualized approach, meaning that interventions are tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of each person. This personalization is key to helping individuals make meaningful progress.

2. Evidence-based: ABA is an evidence-based practice, meaning that it is based on scientific research and has been shown to be effective in numerous studies. This level of evidence supports the use of ABA in treatments plans.

3. Focus on positive outcomes: ABA focuses on increasing positive behaviors and teaching new skills, rather than simply decreasing negative behaviors. This approach is empowering and leads to long-lasting changes.

4. Collaboration with families and caregivers: ABA recognizes the importance of collaboration between practitioners, families, and caregivers. Open communication and collaboration can lead to a more successful outcome for all parties in the long run.

5. Measurable progress: ABA uses objective and measurable data to track progress and adjust interventions as needed. This data-driven approach ensures that progress is being made and that the individual's needs are being met.

Overall, the evidence-based, individualized, and data-driven approach of ABA makes it a beneficial intervention for many individuals across a variety of settings.